Protect Your Smile and Improve Your Game with the ArmourBite® Mouthguard from Under Armour

Sports Mouthguards in Jacksonville FL
Women running on athletic track

To enhance performance, many athletes have a set routine before a big game. They might go to bed early in order to get a good night’s sleep, eat a high protein meal with a side of carbohydrates, and maybe carry a lucky charm that may or may not help them win. There is one thing, however, that has actually been proven to enhance the athletic performance of professional and amateur athletes alike: the ArmourBite Mouthguard from Under Armour. Dr. Scott Wagner at Eccella in Jacksonville Beach, FL, is a certified ArmourBite Mouthguard provider who will not only protect your teeth, he’ll up your game.
Whether you play a contact or non-contact sport, a mouthguard is critical for protecting your lips, teeth, gums and mouth. So, if you’re going to wear a mouthguard anyway, why not choose one that does more than the rest?

The Secret of the ArmourBite Mouthguard

The ArmourBite Mouthguard enhances athletic performance by preventing teeth clenching. When you are engaged in athletic competition, there is a natural tendency to clench you teeth. This stems from the brain’s primitive “fight or flight” hard wiring. Clenching your teeth causes the body to release cortisol, the stress hormone, which can cause fatigue and interrupt concentration.
An ArmourBite Mouthguard prevents teeth clenching, thereby reducing stress. In addition, this mouthguard shifts the jaw forward to alleviate jaw pressure and enlarge airway openings. The combined effect is better performance on the field, on the court, on the track, in the gym or wherever you work out.

Schedule an Appointment Today
To get your custom-fitted ArmourBite Mouthguard, call the office of Dr. Scott Wagner in Jacksonville Beach, FL. As a certified provider, Dr. Wagner will take an impression of your teeth and you’ll receive your performance enhancing ArmourBite Mouthguard in about 10 days. Dr. Wagner serves patients from across the nation, as well as the surrounding areas of Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach and St. Augustine.