a young woman flossing her teeth

While regularly brushing your teeth is recommended, it only removes 60% of plaque from your teeth. That is why our dentist Jacksonville recommends flossing once a day, at the very least. Flossing allows you to remove plaque from the remaining 40% of tooth surfaces that your toothbrush can’t reach. That is an excellent way to clean your gum line and in-between teeth.

However, flossing may not be as easy as it sounds. A significant number of people have no idea that they are doing it wrong. Whether you have been flossing for a while or are looking to incorporate it into your routine, you should avoid the following common flossing mistakes.

Not Flossing Enough

30% of the American population do not floss, and around 37% floss less than once a day. While we are not here to judge, failure to floss can lead to adverse oral health complications. That’s why it worries us to see you overlooking such an essential part of cleaning your teeth. We recommend flossing twice a day to keep plaque away. If you haven’t been flossing regularly or at all, this is your cue to start flossing religiously.

You Start with Brushing Your Teeth

This may come as a surprise, especially if you are used to brushing then flossing. A study featured in the Journal of Periodontology shows that people who flossed before brushing had less plaque between their teeth. Flossing your teeth first allows the fluoride in your toothpaste to reach more tooth surfaces. While there is no handbook on how to brush your teeth, following best practices can help you keep your oral health in check.

Flossing at the Wrong Time

When is the right time to floss? There is nothing wrong with flossing during the day or after meals. However, flossing before bed should be a mandatory part of your oral hygiene routine. Saliva low is lowest while you sleep, leaving plaque, bacteria, and food particles to attack your teeth. Flossing before bed ensures that you get rid of all these particles and substances before they can harm your teeth and gums.

You Stop Flossing When You See Blood

The sight of blood turns off several people from continuing to floss or even brush their teeth. It is essential to note that the occasional bleeding gums are normal, even for individuals who have been flossing for years. So, you don’t have to call it quits when you see a little blood. Keep flossing twice a day and reach out to your dentist if the bleeding persists.

Using the Wrong Floss

All floss is not the same. Some floss types are better suited for your teeth than others. If your teeth have tight spaces or you have braces, you should use thin floss to reach all parts of your teeth. Individuals with bigger teeth gaps can use more generously sized floss. Feel free to consult your dentists if you are uncertain about the best type of floss for your teeth.
Have these tips uncovered one or several flossing mistakes you’ve made in the past? Worry not. You can use these mistakes to perfect your flossing routine. Visit https://www.eccellasmiles.com/ for first-rate dental services and book a virtual consult today!

Eccella Smiles
Jacksonville Beach Florida 32250
(904) 834-3737

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