Reasons Why Dentures Don’t Fit Properly and What You Can Do

You’re likely to be over the moon when you fit dentures for the first time. There could be a couple of reasons why you opted for the dentures in the first place. If you found the right dentist, there won’t be a lot to worry about. You should be looking for an experienced dentist Jacksonville so that there is nothing to worry about with the procedure. There are a couple of reasons why the dentures might not fit properly and we’re going to highlight some of them. You’re likely to notice some discomfort with the dentures which is perfectly normal.

See a Dentist

If you notice that the dentures don’t fit properly, it is crucial that you’re reaching out to a dentist as soon as possible. The best bet would be to visit the dentist that fixed the dentures because they’ll be familiar with the condition. You’ll need to reach out to the dentist’s office so that they’re aware of the situation. There are a couple of possible solutions for dentures that don’t fit properly.

New Dentures

For new dentures, there could be a need for refitting every 5 to 10 years. When there is major tooth loss, it is only natural for the underlying tissue and the jawbone to atrophy. This will, in turn, lead to a change in the fitting of the dental prosthesis. The good news is that most insurance plans will cover for new dentures every 5 to 10 years. The dentist will have to come up with a new impression of the teeth and gums so as to design dentures that fit comfortably.

Implant-retained Dentures

If you’re looking for something permanent that will be comfortable and won’t slip over the years then implant-retained dentures will be the perfect solution. These because the dentures are firmly secured in place with up to six implants. Patients that have undergone massive bone loss can benefit from the procedure. With the implant-retained dentures, you’ll never have to worry about the teeth sleeping which is usually a big concern for a lot of people.

Reasons For Dentures

Missing teeth is a common problem that a lot of people experience. For such people dentures will be an inexpensive and effective solution for missing teeth. You just have to make sure that you’re working with the right dentist. This will mean doing due diligence if you’re to get the right dentist.

The experience of the dentist is going to play a big role in the selection process. Make sure that the dentist is board certified. This is an assurance that the dentist has undergone the necessary training and is experienced for the job.

To Sum it Up

When you notice that the dentures are not fitting properly, it is crucial that you’re reaching out to the dentist that performed the procedure. There is a chance that what you might be feeling is discomfort but you don’t want to take any chances. An experienced dentist will know what needs to be done after examining the situation. For more information on dentures and dental health in general, you can check out

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(904) 834-3737

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